
(Русский) Нижний Тагил, Россия

(Русский) Интерактивная выставка для детей «Живая русская сказка»

February 22, 2023 - April 2, 2023

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Познакомиться со сказочными героями, услышать аромат моря из сказок А.С. Пушкина и создать собственный шедевр в технике линогравюры? Приглашаем родителей и детей окунуться в сказку, которая оживет в Нижнетагильском музее изобразительных искусств.

В основе выставки лежат те самые теплые сказочные образы из детских книг, которые издавались миллионными тиражами. На этих образах воспитано несколько поколений соотечественников.

Экспозиция включает в себя более 60 подлинных работ лучших художников графиков XX века на тему сказки: И.Я. Билибина, Ю.А. Васнецова и других народных художников. Сюжеты, представленные на выставке графических работ, основаны на авторских и народных сказках, мифах, былинах, скоморошинах, песенках и потешках. Экспозиция поделена на разделы по смыслу сказок: Храбрость, Доброта, Смекалка и другие качества русского человека.

Огромное внимание уделено интерактивной части выставки. Юные посетители узнают, как пахнет Колобок и Аленький цветочек, а также прикоснутся к объемному макету репки из одноименной сказки.

Разработанная педагогами экскурсионная программа-квест позволит ребенку стать участником процесса знакомства с русскими былинными и сказочными героями: Иваном-Царевичем, Царевной-Лебедь, Садко, Колобком и другими.

В довершение посещения ребенок под присмотром педагога создаст картину с традиционно русским сюжетом в уникальной графической технике линогравюры, специально адаптируемой для детей от 4 лет.

Выставка знакомит детей с родным фольклором и призывает поразмыслить на основе увиденного над вопросом: кто такие русские люди?

Проект реализуется при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив.

(Русский) Москва, Россия

(Русский) Открытие обновленной экспозиции

July 23, 2022

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23 июля 2022 года на выставке «Сальвадор Дали и Пабло Пикассо» в Москве открылась обновленная экспозиция. Теперь в Путевом дворце Василия III представлено более 260 оригинальных работ испанских художников на двух этажах.

На первом этаже представлены произведения Пабло Пикассо. Коллекция представляет собой более 50 керамических работ художника, приобретенных из коллекции Алана Рамье в аукционном доме Christie’s. Посетителей ждут мифические фавны, минотавры, быки, вакханалии и сцены корриды, изображенные на блюдах и кувшинах.

Также на первом этаже выставляется более 50 графических работ мастера, вдохновленных семьей, возлюбленными художника, а также театральными образами.

На втором этаже представлены работы Сальвадора Дали. Коллекция включает более 200 произведений художника (графика и скульптура) и охватывает многие десятилетия творчества испанского мастера. Посетителям новой выставки предложено не только насладиться знаменитыми образами, но и обратить внимание на «неофициальные» стороны далинианского искусства.

(Русский) Москва, Россия

(Русский) Закрытие выставки «Графика народов Севера» на ВДНХ

July 3, 2022

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3 июля 2022 года выставка на «Графика народов Севера» на ВДНХ закрыла двери для посетителей. Завершили работу и мастерские художников в Москве, работавшие в рамках проекта. Мы собрали их отзывы о сотрудничестве с фондом «Искусство наций»:

Юрий Лисовский: «Спасибо! Всё прошло на высшем уровне! Спасибо за возможность приобрести новый опыт и знания, поучаствовать в выставке, познакомиться с интересными художниками и ещё раз удостовериться что в Москве живут замечательные люди».

Евгений Болсобоев: «Проект замечательный, хорошая организация, увлеченная команда! Было очень интересно и познавательно работать вместе с участниками из разных регионов РФ! Насыщенная и интересная программа с посещением выставок и экскурсиями на ВДНХ и по историческому центру Москвы незабываемы! Понравились встречи с художником Ниной Владимировной Красовитовой и просмотр работ мастеров графиков работавших на комбинате художественного фонда СССР. Спасибо большое фонду «Искусство наций»! Желаю воплощения новых проектов!».

Юрий Бычков: «Проект, посвященный графике народов Севера отлично подготовлен, как организационно, так и технически. Прекрасная команда молодых людей, которая решала все возникающие проблемы каждого автора. Мне он был интересен тем, что помог отвлечься от освоенных уже техник в изобразительном искусстве и плотнее поработать в высокой печати, конкретно в цветной линогравюре. Надеюсь, что и у меня что получилось реализовать свои замыслы для вашего прекрасного проекта».

Татьяна Лахонина: «Замечательный проект, позволяющий реализовывать свои идеи в комфортных условиях и в подходящей обстановке. Проект знакомит художников из разных регионов страны, позволяя обмениваться опытом. Также, то что уделяется внимание, непосредственно эстампу и его популяризации при помощи выставок по России и возможности приобретения любому желающему, очень ценно для развития этого направления в искусстве».

(Русский) Москва, Россия

(Русский) Открытие выставки «Графика народов Севера» на ВДНХ

June 2, 2022 - July 3, 2022

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2 июня состоялось торжественное открытие выставки «Графика народов Севера» в павильоне «Рабочий и колхозница» на ВДНХ. На открытии присутствовали художники-лауреаты всероссийского конкурсного отбора, чьи работы представлены на выставке, команда организаторов проекта, фонда «Искусство наций», во главе с его президентом Александром Шадриным, а также приглашенные гости, среди которых была Шончалей Ховенмей. Северная шаманка выступила с балладой о героях- художниках в хакасском стиле горлового пения «хай».
В ходе мероприятия состоялось награждение победителей конкурса – были вручены дипломы и памятные подарки.

Увидеть северное сияние, познакомиться с героями легенд и влюбиться в бескрайние снежные просторы Русского Севера можно до 3 июля, на выставке «Графика народов Севера» на ВДНХ, в павильоне «рабочий и колхозница».

Графика народов Севера – это проект, который направлен на поддержку художников малых народов России, и тех, кто проживает в регионах Севера, Сибири, Дальнего Востока. Проект организован фондом «Искусство наций» при поддержке фонда Президентских грантов.

В рамках выставки в июне пройдет серия лекций, мастер-классов. На выставке проходят бесплатные экскурсии.

Moscow, Russia

Immersive lecture «Gala Dali»

February 26, 2022 - February 26, 2022

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On February 26, 2022 in the center of Moscow in the Bauman Garden was the premiere of a new immersive lecture, organized by the Art of Nations Foundation, – «Gala Dali» – a lecture by collector A. Shadrin and a performance dedicated to the muse of Salvador Dali.


Aleksandr Shadrin, owner of the collection Dali and Picasso, got acquainted audience with the main and the most beloved muse of Salvador Dali. He told what path she had to go through in order to become famous Gala from an ordinary Russian girl Elena Dyakonova, thanks to which Dali achieved success and also revealed the secrets of the romantic relationship of the most outrageous woman of the 20th century.


Lecture was accompanied by a solo performance «Gala», director and actress of which is Politova Anna.

Moscow, Russia

“Dali&Picasso: their life, their fate, their era”

January 14, 2022 - January 14, 2022

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As part of the lecture course of The Art of the Nations Foundation, a new excursion program “Dali & Picasso: their life, their fate, their era” was launched. This program is run by the director of the foundation – Yaroslav Shadrin. The excursion is based on the original works by Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso.

The audience, together with Yaroslav, will try to take a fresh look at the work of the artists, learn the history of their relationship, and also get acquainted with the history of the formation of the collection of works by Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso.

(Русский) Москва, Россия

(Русский) Лекция «Сокровища индейцев Южной Америки»

December 18, 2021

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18 декабря в рамках выставки «Эльдорадо. Сокровища индейцев» прошла лекция «Сокровища индейцев Южной Америки». В качестве лектора выступила Елена Сергеевна Леванова – кандидат исторических наук, заведующая Центра палеоискусства ИА РАН, доцент Мезоамериканского центра имени ЮВ Кнорозова РГГУ.

Лекция проходила в окружении подлинных золотых украшений Южной Америки в самом центре Москвы в саду им. Баумана.

Елена Сергеевна познакомила зрителей с культурами доколумбовой Америки, которые славятся своими ювелирными изделиями из золота, серебра, платины и драгоценных камней, обсудила самые сенсационные открытиях XX века в Перу, Боливии, Колумбии и Эквадоре, а также рассказала зрителям о самых богатых коллекциях предметов искусства доколумбовой Америки в музеях мира.

(Русский) Москва, Россия

(Русский) Мастер-класс «Арт и Вино»

October 1, 2021 - May 22, 2022

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С октября 2021 года в путевом дворце Василия III, который находится по адресу ул. Старая Басманная, д. 15 стр. 3, проходит художественный мастер-класс «Арт и Вино».

На мастер-классе зрители могут создать свои сюрреалистические или кубистические картины под руководством художника-искусствоведа, который не только поможет в создании невероятных  шедевров, но и расскажет интересные факты о жизни и творчестве Сальвадора Дали и Пабло Пикассо.

Во время мастер-класса зрители под руководством профессионального сомелье дегустируют различные сорта вин и шампанского, учатся отличать вина друг от друга, а также узнают историю появления каждого из них.

Мероприятие проходит при поддержке фонда «Искусство наций», который является организатором выставок «Дали&Пикассо» и «Эльдорадо. Сокровища индейцев», а также при поддержке наших партнёров «Без бокала нет Шагала».

(Русский) Москва, Россия

(Русский) Детские программы

October 1, 2021 - May 22, 2022

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В октябре 2021 года в программу мероприятий выставки «Дали-Пикассо» добавились детские квесты: «По следам Дали» и «В мастерской у Пабло Пикассо». Куратор проектов Анна Дикая составила авторские программы, посвящённые испанским художникам Сальвадору Дали и Пабло Пикассо, интерпретированные под детскую аудиторию.

Квест «По следам Дали» проходит в залах с экспонатами Сальвадора Дали. В процессе небольшой экскурсии дети отгадывают загадки, ищут подсказки, слушают ароматы сюрреалистического мира, а также узнают много нового и интересного из биографии художника. После экскурсии детям предлагается создать свои художественные шедевры в окружении подлинных работ Дали, на которые детей вдохновили представленные экспонаты и их история.

Детская творческая программа «В мастерской у Пабло Пикассо» посвящена второму испанскому художнику, представленному на нашей выставке – Пабло Пикассо. После экскурсии с интерактивными элементами: поиск подсказок, тактильный макет, загадки и ароматы – детей ждёт керамический мастер-класс, где каждый участник сможет почувствовать себя великим художником и создать свой керамический шедевр.

Moscow, Russia

Сoncert by the Peruvian musician Robert Mamani Quispe

July 10, 2021

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On June 10, 2021, within the framework of the exhibition dedicated to the culture and art of Native Americans, the Foundation “Art of the Nations” organized a solo concert by the Peruvian musician Robert Mamani Quispe.
The audience was able to delve into the atmosphere of Native American culture, being surrounded by authentic gold artifacts of Pre-Columbian America.
In Vasili’s III of Russia Palace in Moscow, multi-instrumentalist Robert performed traditional Andes music, told the story of the emergence and transformation of musical instruments that were used during the concert, and even gave the audience the opportunity to play some of them themselves.
After the concert, each guest was able to enjoy real-life communication with the Peruvian Indian.

Moscow, Russia

Art lecture «Picasso’s Beloved Women»

June 12, 2021

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In June 2021, we added a new art lecture to the event program at the exhibition «Dali & Picasso», which is
dedicated to the relationship between Pablo Picasso and his beloved women.

Collector Alexander Shadrin, the owner of the largest collection of ceramic works by Pablo Picasso in Russia, spoke about the Spanish artist‘s romantic affairs, the influence of the companions on his art, and changes in the women‘s lives after meeting the great genius.

The lecture «Picasso’s Beloved Women» was held in the Palace of Vasily III in Moscow and was accompanied by a impressionable solo performance: director and actress Anna Politova embodied three striking female characters from Picasso’s biography – Fernande Olivier, Olga Khokhlova and Françoise Gilot.

Moscow, Russia

The lecture «Mayan Hieroglyphs in Famous Films»

June 5, 2021

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On June 5, 2021, within the framework of the exhibition “Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans”, the lecture “Mayan Hieroglyphs in Famous Films” was held, organized by the Foundation “Art of the Nations”.

Sergey Vepretskii, a researcher at the Department of America, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about the ancient Maya script, which was lost more than a thousand years ago, showed examples of real hieroglyphs and told the audience the secrets of its reading.

The lecture was held at Vasili’s III of Russia Palace in Moscow and was accompanied by watching famous Hollywood films, such as: 2012, Apocalypto, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skul, Wonder Woman 1984, The Road to El Dorado, etc., in which the audience, together with the lecturer, found ancient hieroglyphs, revealed its meaning, and also discovered which hieroglyphs are real, and which are just drawing for the film.

Moscow, Russia

«Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans» in Bauman’s garden.

January 28, 2021 - May 22, 2022

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The exhibition «Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans» meets the viewer within the walls of Vasili’s III of Russia Palace until May 22, 2022.

In 2021, the collection of the exhibition was replenished with new exhibits, including the unique Huari Ornament of Queen.
Within the framework of the exhibition, lectures are regularly held on such themes as Indian tattoos, Indian rituals and gods, and the conquista – a significant period in history.

A special feature of the exposition are small concerts of the Peruvian musician, which take place every weekend in the halls of the exhibition. The Peruvian introduces the audience to the musical instruments and traditions of his folk.

Moscow, Russia

Dali & Picasso at Vasili’s III of Russia Palace

September 4, 2020 - May 22, 2022

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The exhibition «Salvador Dali & Pablo Picasso» is open from September 4, 2020 to May 22, 2022 in Vasili’s III of Russia Palace in Moscow.

Within the framework of the exhibition, many different projects are being implemented, including lectures, performances, master classes and children’s programs for the youngest viewers.

Yerevan, Armenia

Dali&Picasso in National Gallery of Armenia

March 7, 2020 - August 30, 2020

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From March to September 2020 artworks of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso from the Foundation collection were presented in National Gallery of Armenia in Yerevan.

Works of the two artists gave the Armenian art-lovers an exclusive opportunity to move to the imaginary worlds juxtaposed in the exhibition which is a specific dialogue of the two Spanish genius.

The exhibition displayed 260 artworks by Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso (sculptures, graphic works and ceramics).

Moscow, Russia

Art&Dance performance «Russian Muse of Salvador Dali»

February 14, 2020

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On February 2020 the Foundation «Art of the Nations» organized the art and dance performance «Russian Muse of Salvador Dali». The performance was held in Gradsky Hall theatre in Moscow.

Alexander Shadrin, collector and owner of the biggest collection of Salvador Dali’s works in Russia, gave lecture on Dali’s and Gala’s relationships before the show. Alexander Shadrin is interested by the artist’s biography and art for more than 20 years, he personally met many people from artist’s closest entourage.

The spectacular performance is based on the impassioned and unrepeatable history of love of Salvador Dali to his unique muse Gala. This artistic interpretation includes the most important periods of Dali’s life, tells the history of his most famous works and shows Salvador Dali’s role in the development of advertising in the XX century.

The unusual format of the performance combining the music, lights, costumes, choreography and video projections corresponds to the surrealistic spirit of Salvador Dali.

The role of Gala was performed by Anna Nakhapetova, the famous ballet dancer of the Bolshoi Theatre. She creates a dramatic image of the wonderful woman, the muse and literally the queen of the surrealistic Dali’s world.

Direction and choreography by Anna Verde

Moscow, Russia

«Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans» in Moscow

February 8, 2020 - April 26, 2020

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«Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans»

From February to April 2020 with the support of Moscow Department of Culture the exhibition «Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans» opened its doors at Vasili’s III of Russia Palace in Moscow.

The exhibition included more than 150 artifacts of ancient art and artworks of contemporary native American artists.

Besides the main exposition our visitors could participate in special events and lectures on Indigenous American art and history organized by the foundation.

Moscow, Russia

«Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans»: a series of lectures

February 8, 2020 - April 26, 2020

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Within the programme of the exhibition we organized a series of lectures dedicated to native American history and culture.

Main topics in the programme:

  • Major Aztec and Maya gods
  • The most interesting rituals of native American cultures
  • Gods of South America
  • Conquistador Hernan Cortes and his wife La Malinche
  • Indigenous American philosophy
  • The power of Indigenous American tattoos

Moscow, Russia

«Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans»: special events

February 8, 2020 - April 26, 2020

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We organized many interesting events and work-shops in connection with the main subject of the exhibition.

In the programme:

  • «Music of wind and drums» dance ceremony and master class with Peruvian musician Mariachi
  • Playing zampoña and bombo with Neyshon Roy, a guardian of Quechua and Apache cultures
  • Inca Tea ceremony (based on quinoa seeds)
  • Traditional Peruvian Music concert
  • Native Americans legends and stories for children, storytelling by Peruvian Robert
  • «Roy’s workshop» hand-made eco-friendly products store

Moscow, Russia

Art&Dance evening of Russian Muse of Salvador Dali

November 14, 2019

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On autumn 2019 Foundation «Art of the Nations» supported the organization of the art and dance performance «Russian Muse of Salvador Dali».

Artistic interpretation of Dali’s strong feelings to Gala had been performed by famous artists of The Bolshoi Theatre and The Roman Viktyuk Theatre.

The show took place at the Gradski Hall Theatre and at the «Dali&Picasso» exhibition venue. The story of Salvador Dali and Gala’s love grew up in dance surrounded by authentic Dali’s works.

Moscow, Russia

Dali & Picasso at Vasili’s III of Russia Palace

October 4, 2019 - January 8, 2020

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With the support of Moscow Department of Culture, the collection of Salvador Dali’s and Pablo Picasso’s works was exhibited from October 2019 to January 2020 at Vasili’s III of Russia Palace, which is actually one of the oldest building in Moscow!

230 authentic masterpieces with famous plots as well as late-period works were presented.

The exhibition was accompanied by special program of lectures and events dedicated to the great artists.


Tula, Russia

Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso at the mill

September 21, 2019 - September 22, 2019

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A very unusual event took place in one of the village of Zaoksky district which is situated near to city of Tula. The foundation «Art of the Nations» opened a world of Dali and Picasso to the local farmers right in the heart of Russian countryside! 15 masterpieces were exposed at the village vernissage and the director of the foundation Yaroslav gave a lecture dedicated to the presented artworks. The audience consisted of people who consciously chose the rural life near to the Oka river where in the past also lived famous Russian artist Vasily Polenov. All of them moved there from big cities such Moscow or Tula.

This event presents that the foundation is open to a different proposals and partnerships which are dedicated to introduce the public into the world of art.

The event was held at the old mill which found its second life as a meeting place for interesting people.

Crimea, Russia

Tavrida Art Fest

May 29, 2019 - July 15, 2019

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On June 2019 the President of the foundation «Art of the Nations» was invited as an expert to the Tavrida Art Festival, which became a unique experimental art laboratory for both, participants and organizers.

Alexander Shadrin had to evaluate more than 50 different art projects in architecture, design and exhibition organization. A group of three experts, including Alexander Shadrin, executed a list of recommendations on obtaining of state grants by festival’s participants. According to the results of the competition young people obtained prize grants from 150 000 to 3,5 millions of rubbles for their projects.

Wide experience of exhibition organization and art projects promotion helped Alexander to consult and to prepare young people to present their projects and to formalized all the documents.

Our foundation will continue to help young and talented people to organize exhibitions, to consult and to help them to prepare required documents correctly.

Moscow, Russia

Dali & Picasso at the «Red October» gallery

February 28, 2019 - August 18, 2019

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The exhibition took place from February to August 2019  at «Red October» Gallery in Moscow.

The collection includes more than 250 authentic works: Dali’s and Picasso’s graphics, Pablo Picasso’s ceramics from the Madura pottery and famous dalinian bronze sculptures and ceramics.

An exclusive video about collection were shown at the exhibition space.




Moscow, Russia

«Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans» at «Red October»

February 28, 2019 - August 18, 2019

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The treasures of ancient civilizations from the Foundation’s collection were presented at the «Red October» gallery in Moscow. The exhibition assembled cultural and historical heritage of 10 countries of North and South America: from Canada to Chili.  More than 150 authentic artefacts covering more than 3000 years of the American history were exhibited at the exhibition space.

Among the other objects of art, the Huichol yarn paintings made by notable huichol shaman-artist and chief José Benítez Sánchez, a red cedar totem pole from Northwest Coast carved by chief Calvin Hunt, an Aztec knife used for human sacrifices and the first Lamabyeque ruler’s diadem were shown at the exhibition.



Moscow, Russia

International street art competition

January 1, 2019 - April 24, 2019

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In January 2019, Foundation «Art of the Nations» had lanced an international street art competition for the Latin American artists. The competition had been a part of a big project dedicated to the Native American arts and cultures. During 3 weeks we received more than 70 sketches from 10 Latin American countries.

Farid Rueda, a Mexican artist with Aztec roots, has won this competition. He arrived in Russia to create his artwork at the exhibition space in Moscow.

His work represents an Eagle Warrior who died on the battlefield. Nevertheless, a warrior’s way was not finished and he transformed into a jaguar, a symbol which refers to the another elite Aztec military unit. A plot of the artwork is considered as a classic plot of Aztec art and art of Teotihuacan. This beautiful artwork in modern style was created in «Red October» gallery surrounded by the artefacts made by Farid’s ancestors some thousands years ago.


Minsk, Belarus

Dali & Picasso at the «Libra» gallery

December 19, 2018 - February 24, 2019

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Salvador Dali’s and Pablo Picasso’s artworks were presented from December 2018 to February 2019 in Minsk.

The collection was exhibited at the «Libra» gallery.



Yekaterinburg, Russia

«Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans» in the Urals

November 15, 2018 - January 20, 2019

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The exhibition of Native American arts and cultures took place at the Museum of architecture and design in Ekaterinburg.

More than 150 authentic artefacts covering more than 3000 years of the American history were presented. Huichol yarn paintings made by notable huichol shaman-artist and chief, a red cedar totem pole from Northwest Coast, ancient gold and silver ritual objects were shown for the first time in Russia.



Irkutsk, Russia

«Eldorado. The Treasures of Native Americans» in Siberia

September 28, 2018 - October 21, 2018

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The exhibition of Native American art and cultures was opened in Irkutsk on September – October 2018.

Amazing works made by old Native Americans goldsmiths, ceramists and carvers from the collection of the foundation were presented in Irkutsk State Museum of Natural history.




Moscow, Russia

Dali & Picasso at «Granatniy Yard» Cultural Space

September 27, 2018 - November 25, 2018

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The Exhibition «Dali&Picasso» is coming back to Russia!

With the support of the Embassy of Spain, the exhibition of Salvador Dali’s and Pablo Picasso’s graphics, ceramics and sculptures open its doors at the cultural and exhibition space «Granatniy Yard» in Moscow.

A true fieast of Spanish culture gives a great opportunity to see the works of two geniuses and to compare their visions and thoughts about women, corrida and Spain… 






Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia

«Six shades of gold» on the Sakhalin Island

September 14, 2018 - September 23, 2018

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A unique project dedicated to the daily and cultural life of Native American peoples was presented on the Sakhalin Island in Russia. The exhibition was held in September 2018 at the Sakhalin Regional Art Museum .

More than 100 authentic artifacts covering more than3000 years of the American history were presented for the first time in Russia. Works created by ancient jewelers and craftsmen thousands years ago are forming the most precious part of the foundation’s collection.

Many works of the modern native artists from different cultures who keep their traditional way of living in our days were exhibited as well.




Xiamen, China

Picasso & Dali at T.H.C. Art Museum

July 8, 2018 - August 10, 2018

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The Exhibition «Picasso & Dali» was held in Xiamen. Visitors could see the great masters’ artworks from July 8 to August 10, 2018 at T.H.C. Art Museum.







Harbin, China

Picasso & Dali in Harbin Exhibition Center

June 15, 2018 - June 19, 2018

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Starting June 15, 2018, at the Harbin International Convention and Exhibition Center the exhibition «Picasso and Dali: The Legendary Collection» presented 50 authentic works from the foundation’s collection including great master’s ceramics, sculptures, graphics and impressions.

You can read more about this exhibition in Chinese Media: Chinanews and Baidu






Guilin, China

Picasso & Dali in Guilin Arts Museum

May 12, 2018 - June 12, 2018

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The exhibition «Picasso&Dali» took place from May to June 2018 in Guilin, China. More than 200 authentic works of the two Masters were presented in Guilin Arts Museum.






Saint Petersburg, Russia

Wang Hongjun solo exhibition in Russian Academy of Fine Arts

January 17, 2018 - February 11, 2018

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A solo exhibition of Chinese artist Wang Hongjun was opened in January 2018 at Russian Academy of Fine Arts in Saint Petersburg. The exhibition organized by the foundation introduces the one of the most popular Chinese abstract expressionist to visitors.

The fundamental element of the creative method of the artist is a combination of traditional Chinese art and Western oil painting technique.

The color is the main thing for Wang Hongjun. Rhythm, energy, and even composition of his paintings are based on a balance between traditional Chinese colors of the Five Elements. This being said, the color ratio is always spontaneous as the artist gives vent to his emotions.

The artist’s signature style is bright pastose strokes of the paintbrush partially removed from the canvas by a palette knife. This technique helps Wang Hongjun creating distinctive patterns revealing dim outlines of persons and landscapes like in a dream. The paint removed by a palette knife looks like translucent watercolor brush strokes leaving some airy and light impression.

Paintings by Wang Hongjun are displayed in many museums of China, Russia, Azerbaijan, Italy, Australia, Belgium and other countries where they received encouraging response of critics and spectators.










Shenzhen, China

Picasso & Dali at the YearLife Art Space

October 1, 2017 - January 1, 2018

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Starting October, the 1st, 2017, at the YearLife Art Space in Shenzhen, the exhibition presents more than 240 artworks of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso from the collection of the Foundation.

The exhibition provides free audio guides in English and Chinese.​


Shenzhen 5





Shenzhen 1


Beijing and Dalian, China

Dürer & Rembrandt at Russian Embassy in Beijing

September 27, 2017 - October 29, 2017

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40 authentic graphics by Albrecht Dürer and Rembrandt van Rijn from private Italian collections were presented in Russian Embassy in Beijing on 27 September, 2017.

Despite the fact that Dürer and Rembrandt had created their work with the difference in almost 100 years, there can be no doubt that a close correlation between their works exists. The art of the two masters was related to the Bible. We can see scenes from Jesus’ life and some other bible stories.

The presentation of both authors’ works together make it possible to see the dynamics of art and the religious influence on artistic creation in XVI-XVII centuries as well as to appreciate the mastership of the two artists.





Then the exhibition took place at Dalian International Conference Center.











Read about Dürer & Rembrandt’s vernissage at Russian Embassy in Chinese magazines Bejing Review and Long Bao 

Chengdu, China

Picasso & Dali: The Legendary Collection

June 21, 2017 - August 20, 2017

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The Exhibition «Picasso & Dali: The Legendary Collection» was held from June to August 2017 at Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li in Chengdu city.

More than 200 masterpieces were exhibited, including potteries, sculpures and graphics made by the legendary masters.

The project had also an interactive area for kids with sculpture-making, drawing and art-installation activities.















Chongqing, China

Spanish Masters in Changjiang Museum of Contemporary art

November 15, 2016 - December 5, 2016

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The Exhibition was organized from November to December 2016 in Changjiang Museum of Contemporary art, Chongqing city.

More than 280 masterpieces of Dali and Picasso were presented.

The exhibition included also the public lections and the interactive programs for kids.










Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Dali and Picasso in Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar

April 29, 2016 - May 29, 2016

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The unique Exhibition took place in The Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar in Ulaanbaatar from April to May 2016.

For the first time the Mongolian public was able to discover more than 250 masterpieces of the two great artists. Pablo Picasso’s ceramic works from Madura pottery were presented as well as Salvador Dali’s lithographs, drawings and bronze sculptures.

The exhibition was hold in honor of Gala Dali.





Dalian, China

Dali and Picasso in Dalian International Convention Center

February 26, 2016 - April 17, 2016

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The unique exhibition of masterpieces of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso were organaized from February to April 2016 in Dalian International Convention Center in Dalian city, China. This project was preparing by the Russian and the Chinese sides during 4 years.

More than 250 works of the two masters were presented in the exhibition. Two exclusive videos about the work of Dali and Picasso were shown either.








Vilnius, Lithuania

Dali and Picasso at the «Arka» gallery

October 7, 2015 - October 31, 2015

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The Exhibition took place in October 2015 at «Arka» gallery in Vilnius.

More than 150 original pieces were presented, including 30 ceramics works of Pablo Picasso made in Madura pottery. For a comparison, the State Hermitage Museum has only 14 ceramic objects made by Picasso.

For the first time visitors had unique opportunity to see Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali ceramics demonstrated together in one exhibition in Lithuania.






Riga, Latvia

Dali and Picasso at the Gallery of the Artists’ Union of Latvia

August 4, 2015 - September 27, 2015

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The Exhibition took place at the Gallery of the Artists’ Union of Latvia from August to September 2015 in Riga.

More than 200 original works were presented.


Minsk, Belarus

Dali and Picasso in National Historical Museum of Belarus

May 1, 2015 - June 28, 2015

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The exhibition was held in National Historical Museum of Belarus from May to June 2015 in Minsk.

The collection included 30 original ceramics of Picasso as well as ceramic works, graphics and famous bronze sculptures of Dali.

For the first time visitors had unique opportunity to see and to contrast Picasso’s and Dali’s art presented together in one exhibition.


Moscow, Russia

A private collection Dali and Picasso: history, findings and discoveries

February 12, 2015 - August 1, 2015

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Alexander Shadrin, the president of fondation, presents the collection of Dali’s and Picasso’s works and shares his own experiences.

The cours of lectures took place at Cervantes Institute in Moscow.



Moscow, Russia

Dali and Picasso at the “Na Kashirke” gallery

December 25, 2014 - April 19, 2015

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The Exhibition “Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso” took place from December 2014 to April 2015 at one of the galleries of Moscow city galleries network (“Na Kashirke” gallery).

A unique element of the project is that ceramic works of Dali and Picasso are presented jointly in one exhibition.

The exhibition included Salvador Dali’s bronze sculptures and lithographs from the collection of the Dali’s former lower Benjamino Levi, Dali’s etching from the collection of Pierre and Christopher Argillet, Pablo Picasso’s ceramics from the Madura pottery (heritage of Ramié family, bought at the Christie’s auction in 2012), Dali’s and Picasso’s graphics, as well as Salvador Dali’s ceramics.






London, England

Christie’s Auction

June 25, 2012 - June 26, 2012

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Picasso Ceramics: The Madura Collection of Alain Ramié.
Photos from Christie’s auction in London, Souht Kensington, June 2012.





Saint Petersburg, Russia

Dali and Picasso in Russian Academy of Fine Arts

May 13, 2011 - July 10, 2011

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The Exhibition «Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso. Graphics. Sculpture. Ceramics» was held at the Russian Academy of Fine Arts from May to July 2011.

119 works of Dali and 16 works of Picasso were presented. They allow the viewer to experience the main plots of the two master’s art. An exclusive video about the work of Dali and Picasso was shown either.

Among others objects, the exhibition included sculptures, bronze reliefs and a number of miniatures from the collection of the Dali’s former lower Benjamino Levi (The Dali Universe) as well as Dali’s etching from the collection of Pierre and Christopher Argillet.








Kazan and Saransk, Russia

The exhibition of the painting by Raphael Santi

May 7, 2010 - June 7, 2010

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On May 7, 2010, an exhibition of one painting by the 15-16th century Italian artist Raphael Santi was opened at the at the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan.

The work «Madonna of Loreto» by Raphael was delivered from Nizhny Tagil to Saransk, later to Kazan, accompanied by security guards. Citizens of Saransk and Kazan were able to enjoy the great master’s painting through the help of the founder of the Foundation «Art of the Nations» Alexander Shadrin, who covered the costs of transportation and insurance of the art work.

The painting is based on a well-known Gospel story: the artist shows Mary and Joseph admiring the awakened baby Jesus Christ.

The main location of this work is the Nizhniy Tagil Museum of Fine Arts. It is generally thought that in Nizhny Tagil the painting experienced its rebirth in 1924. That is why the work «Madonna of Loreto» is also called «Madonna of Nizhny Tagil».
